Elsewhere Archives
Where I've been, what I've seen, what I find interesting or useful. It's a random collection of things. It's a memory that never forgets.
January 2010
Justices Overturn Key Campaign Limits
On the decision: "The dissenters said allowing corporate money to flood the political marketplace will corrupt democracy." We've long since passed that milestone. Personally, I am finding that national politics is becoming increasingly irrelevant. Local activism is where it's at.
Rothsay embraces energy challenge
Good stuff happening only 30 miles away. We should be setting such a challenge for our own city, energy company grant or not. I'm no economist, but the true social + economic + environmental payback would be far greater than the initial cost.
Amazing that it has come to this for some. It's the future, now, and it's less glamorous than it once looked.
December 2009
Matt Blaze: Fighting Terror with Uncertainty
The TSA needs a few more computer scientists like Blaze working on their policies.
Is aviation security mostly for show?
"A terrorist attack cannot possibly destroy a country's way of life; it's only our reaction to that attack that can do that kind of damage. The more we undermine our own laws, the more we convert our buildings into fortresses, the more we reduce the freedoms and liberties at the foundation of our societies, the more we're doing the terrorists' job for them." Brilliant.
A fascinating tour of a Titan II ICBM launch complex. That kin of these still dot North Dakota intrigues and terrifies me.
British court blocks Tiger Woods photos
Curiouser and curiouser. Implosion by Christmas?
Showcase: Dubai's Improbable Tale
The picture of sewage trucks lined up to cart off the excess is particularly apt.
November 2009
Buffett's firm to buy Burlington Northern
I so hope part of this involves an aggressive passenger rail strategy.
October 2009
Disney, a transportation story
A well-done tilt-shift video, but more so a thoughtful meditation on an idealized version of urban transportation, development, and community versus the awful reality.
September 2009
Math and grocery store checkout lines, together at last. Going shopping just got a lot more fun.
Why We Need Government-Run Universal Socialized Health Insurance
A well-done cartoon explaining why government-run health insurance is a good idea.
August 2009
Classic WTF: I'm Sure You Can Deal
*head slap*
Roger Ebert: I'm safe on board. Pull up the life rope.
Forget movie reviews. Ebert is one of the best living writers of the persuasive essay, period.
Not a bad piece of advice. Pollan's insights on our country's twin problems of food production and consumption are spot-on.
Giant Eagle ends optical, shop-scan services
The Personal Shopper program, a source of personal joy and frustration during my time in Pittsburgh, is ending. Had they done a better job of restricting the use of the self-service checkouts, I'm sure it would have been a bigger hit.
April 2009
Inspired Bicycles - Danny MacAskill April 2009
Masterful conquest of the urban environment. On bike.
Flickr Hit Hard By Yahoo Layoffs
This could explain the less-than-usable updates to Flickr Uploadr that have been coming out lately.
January 2009
Classic Hits by Microsoft Songsmith: "White Wedding" by Billy Idol
It doesn't get much better than this.
There's a plane in the Hudson. I'm on the ferry...
This may become an iconic piece in the rise of new media and the fall of the old.
Can a bunch of mathematicians make government more representative?
Rotten politics, maps, and algorithms. A good read.
December 2008
Now that's a movie review.
November 2008
We are living in the future.
October 2008
Energy Debate Fact Check #2 - Is Energy Independence Good For the Nation?
If we want real "energy independence," perhaps we should look to curtailing the construction of car-dependent suburbs, encouraging redevelopment of urban centers and small towns, and building a world-class passenger rail network. All the domestic drilling and electric cars in the world won't help if we don't realize that our current level of energy consumption, regardless of source, is unsustainable in the long run.
September 2008
Gas shortage may crimp weekend fun
Cancel a football game? Never! The reaction is and all too typical. As Kunstler says, "We need to start making different arrangements."
Dave at his bitter best.
Big Contrarian: How big can you fuck up?
Jack Shedd on the disappointment that both of the presidential campaigns have become. Can't say I disagree.
David Letterman Reacts to John McCain Suspending Campaign
Highlights of a dis.
August 2008
Obama answers Science Debate questionnaire
"I will restore the basic principle that government decisions should be based on the best- available, scientifically-valid evidence and not on the ideological predispositions of agency officials or political appointees." Still waiting to hear from the other guy.
Gas price falls during prayer at the pump
The deep south, the "power" of prayer, and gas prices. What a deliciously ugly orgy.
July 2008
He's set for life, but he still does his own plumbing. What a guy.
Kunstler takes a drive and happens upon some fertile ground for thought.
Oil creates 'overnight millionaires' in N.D.
"I'm seeing a lot more big, shiny gas-guzzling pickups." Whatever it takes to keep the wheels of the economy greased, eh? Sad.
U.S. turns against curbs on oil drilling: Exxon
Also in this issue of Self-Serving News: "French fries and double quarter pounders with cheese are good for you: McDonalds"
June 2008
An interview with author James Howard Kunstler
"I'm really rather worried that we're going to squander our remaining resources on a campaign to sustain the unsustainable."
McCain's Energy Plan: Correct Diagnosis, Killer Prescription
"John McCain seems to think that the problem is addiction to foreign oil rather than to oil per se. But a country that controls 3% of world oil reserves while consuming 24% of world demand cannot seriously expect to be self-sufficient for very long."
Coal may hold solution to gas prices
Meanwhile, big coal soldiers on.
Citing Need for Assessments, U.S. Freezes Solar Energy Projects
Necessary action, those environmental studies, but questionable timing.
Study: Wireless Web is top tech amenity for hotel guests
This was something that was conspicuously absent from our $200/night room at a recent conference in Boston. At least I could get an open signal from a nearby house, 14 stories below.
Pittsburgh International Airport service may be cut, including flight to Harrisburg
One more reason why we need better train service. Pittsburgh is hardly the only mid-sized city that will experience these cuts.
Thereby keeping the car an attractive means of travel for corporate America.
Carrotmob: Green Shopping Goes Social
Flash mobs, auction markets, and environmental activism get together for a roll in the sack.
And it all starts to come back. A big regret in college is not going further into this.
The annoyance of the local weather
When I read the sheriff's quote that is mentioned, I just knew that it would get a scalding on Pharyngula.
Of course. The saucy bicyclist and the plodding transit rider are great.
First time I've used the "subversive" and "garden" tags side-by-side in del.icio.us.
Twitter Shows the Whale after announcement of 3G iPhone
"Shows the whale" is the new "screwed the pooch."
The Varying Impact of Gas Prices
Dear The South: Don't put all your eggs in one basket next time. Also, to my homies out west: Buffalo Commons isn't such a bad idea now, is it?
NARP Blog: Rail Advocate Comments on WSJ Story
Things are better on the other side of the Atlantic.
This Modern World: A Brief History of Gasoline Consumption in America
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Mark my words: This will make it to Daring Fireball in the near future, and will be mocked.
The American car culture is running out of gas
Yes it is.
Pardon my French, but why the fuck aren't more cities doing things like this?
May 2008
City of Pittsburgh to buy 'green' vehicles
And not a moment too soon.
What I'd say if I was wrong about climate change
Snap. There are a lot of very positive side-effects of a greener culture, and they all too often get lost in the muck of the naysayers' arguments.
Illusion archive - Best Visual Illusion of the Year Contest
Best website ever.
Chris Matthews Tears Up Kevin James on Hardball
The Internet Pinball Machine Database
I love the Internet for things like this.
James Howard Kunstler on The Colbert Report
Kunstler goes big-time and keeps up with the repartee.
On the inequality of parenting in public: "Fatherhood is not unlike the Special Olympics. Sometimes you get a medal just for showing up."
And the Great Gas Tax Debate rages on at the Freakonomics blog.
Mentos and Diet Coke Explosion at 1200fps
Kubrickian beauty.
My first and only real service-type job was selling books for Brad for two days each summer during Wahpeton's annual sidewalk sale. The town lost out when he moved.
April 2008
An Open Letter to Our Next President about Energy Policy
"I understand that for some of you, these changes will be painful. But the pain is coming regardless."
Services that you get free and pay later
I have absolutely nothing to add to this. But it is a well-made observation, and fun to think about.
Pray-in at S.F. gas station asks God to lower prices
Maybe this guy should get together with the mayor of Birmingham.
Looking to correspond with felons, economists, and politicians? Assume the identity of a 10-year old boy and have at it.
Leapin' Larry's Prayer Proclamation
The mayor of Birmingham, Alamaba, puts his head in the sand and issues a (poorly-written) edict to pray the crime away. Yeah, that will work.
Wow. A mother of a story about Pittsburgh's recycling efforts, consumption in general, and how we've got a long way to go.
March 2008
Ewww, Jon. Just ewww.
It's an advertising bonanza. But I think the real reason for this article was to share the awesome phone book-related YouTube videos sprinkled throughout.
Congressman Blumenauer's Recent Speech Before Congress
I want this guy representing me.
Six-Word Reviews of 763 SXSW Mp3s
Wow. Just slogging through these is enough for me. To write reviews of each is a truly superhuman feat. These reviews are also far more kind than mine would be.
Coding Horror: Choosing Your Own Adventure
Childhood reading memories, flowchart porn, and a new direction. A quality post.
"All newborn babies really need is boobs. Everything else is just marketing." Also this gem: "[Cloth diapers are] a sound fiscal decision: with my wife, any trip to Target for $24 worth of diapers inevitably ends up costing us at least $150." Brilliant.
On Eliot Spitzer and prenuptial agreements
Good idea. What an absolutely shitty thing to make your wife do. As usual, image trumps all.
Jon Arbuckle's existential angst reaches a crisis point.
I say we scalp him! Then we tattoo him! Then we hang him! And then we kill him!
February 2008
It's not the artist. It's you.
Why indeed.
No Impact Man: Whoever has the most toys when he dies wins!
Ed Begley Jr. is probably Advanced.
The iPod, yes. But so much more.
League of Conservation Voters 2007 Congress Scorecard
Pulling up the rear with a big fat 0? John McCain. America, consider yourself warned.
We do this out of a sense of obligation.
Animal Cruelty at California Slaughter Plant
The press release and videos behind the Hallmark meat recall. It was a video of shit like this that turned us into vegetarians nearly 5 years ago. Factory farming and slaughtering is a despicable practice.
Is making a better car like making a better cancer?
Food for thought.
Overheard at the Waldorf School
Kids say the smartest things.
County's chief of air quality told to leave
An environmental regulator is removed because of "slowness in granting operating permits to industry." His replacement? An ex-employee of a company with ties to local heavy industry. This smells rotten.
Who's that masked man?
Another good Flash time-waster. If you're the motion sickness type, watch out. Excellent song reference, too.
Putting Candidates' Religion to the Test
Booyah. "Would you also agree that someone who believes the Earth is 6,000 years old and that Noah's Ark is an event in zoological history would not be an effective leader on issues such as stem cells, climate change, and renewable resources?"
Paying the price: Tax complicates using car-sharing services
The Post-Gazette covers the car rental tax and its implications for car-sharing. As they say in Pittsburgh, "It needs fixed."
By 'bagging it,' Ireland rids itself of a plastic nuisance
Grocery stores and "leaders" of America, take note: "Within weeks [of enacting the tax], there was a 94 percent drop in plastic bag use. Within a year...plastic bags became socially unacceptable."
Just registered. No more typing in stupid little textarea fields for me!
This is one list I'm glad that Mike Gravel's name isn't on.
January 2008
Mythbusters, airplane on a conveyor belt
Hell yeah, the plane takes off. Now can we debate more substantive things?
Wow: "If Americans were to reduce meat consumption by just 20 percent it would be as if we all switched from a standard sedan -- a Camry, say -- to the ultra-efficient Prius." There's an easy way to make a good change.
Klosterman on why a loss next Sunday would make the Patriots all that much more interesting. I, personally, look forward to retelling the tale of the Perfect Pats to my grandchildren.
The project is of questionable benefit, but at least the newspaper got this killer headline out of it.
Science Friday Archives: The Call for A Science Debate
More on the push for a science-centric Presidential debate. I can't get behind this enough.
A Rorschach test of sorts. Download and play it; you'll see what I mean.
Impeachment Statement by Presidential Candidate Senator Mike Gravel
Not getting the attention you deserve by the major media outlets? Move to impeach the president!
I, for one, welcome my new responsibilities.
Essay and photos documenting the abandoned Detroit Public Schools Book Repository.
Mayor seeks to improve snow removal
When I first saw this headline, I hoped it was a plan to light a fire under the asses of people too lazy to shovel their sidewalks. Too bad.
Whole Foods to stop using plastic bags
Finally. I look forward to their competition down the street doing the same thing.
Author Comes to Natural Food's 'Defense'
Related to below. Eat better, help yourself, and help the world. This interview was among the best half-hour that I have spent listening to the radio.
Lifestyle changes can curb climate change: IPCC chief
Not ready to ditch the house in the 'burbs and move closer to the action? Perhaps these actions are more palatable.
East Carson Street widening planned
Too many cars? More roads are always the answer. So much for pedestrian-oriented development.
Truth in advertising.
"Why Isn't Senator Gravel in Iowa?"
Straight from the horse's mouth. He does get some good knocks in against ethanol.
Pittsburgh transit-nerd rants from seven years ago. Also, copious documentation on routes ridden and system obscurities.
Biden, Dodd to abandon White House runs
Now with the clutter out of the way, I'm sure Gravel will be covered so much more, right? Right?
December 2007
AOL To Discontinue Netscape Browser Development
I'm not too busted up over this, although I do have fond memories of my first dial-up connection and Netscape Navigator. This must hurt, though: "Most of [the Netscape engineers'] efforts have been aimed at creating a Netscape-skinned version of Firefox."
Scientific Literacy a Qualification for Office?
We can only dream of being so lucky. As one astute commenter noted, "I'm afraid that candidates are largely no longer required to have a working knowledge of the economy or international relations, or anything really except campaigning and fundraising."
Hopewell - Echo and His Brother
The video is charming in a kids' show public-access sort of way, but the real winner is the song. I can't get it out of my head.
Jim Kunstler: A Christmas Eve Story
On "craziness", and how Communism may have left Russia better prepared for its transformation than we will be for ours. On the last point, I can attest that the trains and buses in Prague ran far better than anything I've seen here.
One Reason We're Not Leaving Iraq
And it's not the date crop.
Good advice. In North Dakota, though, the practice of starting the car 10 minutes before you go anywhere in the winter is so sacrosanct that it may be impossible to overcome.
YTMND - Don't Taze Me Bro ooooOOOO-OOWW!!
Police brutality is not funny. That is, unless it is set to ELO. Then it becomes freaking hilarious.
Pittsburgh & the Mayan Calendar
Awesome. I knew there was a better reason for moving here than higher education. Pittsburgh '12 -- be there!
Elvis Costello and The Attractions - Radio Radio on SNL
30 years ago yesterday, Costello and his band pissed off Lorne Michaels so much that they were banned from the show for years. The energy during the switch is awesome, as is the anger on Costello's face during the close-ups.
Citizens question tax exemption for UPMC tuition gift
I would certainly hope so. To give a gift, then introduce conditions to the gift after the fact, is to be less than genuine in one's intentions. I wouldn't call it extortion (yet), but this should be a more transparent process.
A funny, inspired hack to a frustrating situation.
I would love to see a mass of morning commuters using this.
This Is American Music Revue - American Girl
Rock and roll all-stars Grand Champeen and friends play a classic. Wish we could have been there.
U.S. agrees to Bali compromise
So now we've reached a point where we agree enough to progress towards a final pact in 2009? Nero fiddles while Rome burns.
Everyone is linking to this, exclaiming things like "look at how little progress we've made." I'm glad a lot of this didn't come to fruition. As for what did, it's unfortunate that this make-believe continues to drive land use and transportation policies.
Paul Reubens Discusses Pee-Wee's Big Return
If these movies get made, I'll start going to church again.
Paulson confident of rate freeze agreement
Awesome to see the Treasury pushing to keep the national delusion alive a little while longer.
November 2007
Walmart spreading like a virus
Unbelievable how they still manage to cram new stores in already-saturated areas.
Stupid addictive Flash games. Don't they know I have work to do?
From Ants to People, an Instinct to Swarm
Ah, swarm intelligence. Sometimes the best ideas come from the smallest things.
Diesel shortages in North Dakota
The canary in the coal mine?
Catalog Choice - Eliminate unwanted catalogs you receive in the mail
It's sort of like a game. How many junk catalogs can you scrounge up and find on the site?
Using Destruction to Sell Us Cars? Ford Must Be Lost in a Dream.
A not entirely surprising entry into the annals of poor taste. Opportunistic, in a Rudy Giuliani sort of way, and appealing to those who feel that driving through a city in anything but a urban assault vehicle (with leather seats!) is a risky venture.
New Guinness advert: Giant domino village
This commercial is very reminiscent of the Honda "Cog" commercial, which is one of my all-time favorite spots.
Stop at Red? The Ethics and Politics of Cyclist Red Light Running
"Let's stop trying to fit the round peg of cycling into the square hole of overly regimented traffic regulations." I couldn't agree more.
Spam One-liners - a photoset on Flickr
Hand-lettered illustrations of various spam subject lines.
WorldChanging: In Seattle, Roads and Climate Get Hitched
Here's something I'd like to see done around here. Some climate accounting to go along with the area's scattershot development plans would be a wonderful thing. It would probably make heads explode, though.
nasty nets - part of an email forward my sister sent
NN passes along a handy safety tip.
Shots from a 1968 test by the French army. Breathtakingly scary.
City worker rigged radio poll to favor mayor
If the radio station is KQV, this is old news. We've been having our way with it at work for over a year.
Some Thursday morning guilt.
October 2007
The environmental impact of death
We continue on long after our bodies give out. Myself, I kind of like the tree fertilizer option. That is, if the Walt Disney head preservation technique fails to be perfected.
Another Inconvenient Truth - A presentation you can download
A peak oil primer. Makes the perfect holiday gift.
September 2007
This is a bad thing? The U.S. auto industry is a dinosaur that has outlived its usefulness.
August 2007
Could we be taking better advantage of work-from-home situations?
July 2007
When's the last time you listened to Zooropa? I bet it's been too long.
June 2007
May 2007
Flickr in real-time, too. The flow of information in infinite.
Interesting idea: Label consumer goods with that product's carbon footprint.
Bloomberg + congestion pricing get a word of support from the Brits.
And I was so looking forward to having a celebratory meal out tonight. This state is lame.
April 2007
March 2007
February 2007
Color me impressed. I wonder if I'll see him on my runs around the neighborhood?
I'm glad this terrible issue is being brought to the government's attention.
Stupid demands like this are just going to end up hurting the networks more than sites like YouTube.
January 2007
Crazy? Yes. True? Yes. As James Kunstler says, "we need to make other arrangements."
December 2006
Redefining geography through consumption: Canadian ice shelf breaks free.
November 2006
Think globally, act locally. It's probably the only way we can make things better.
October 2006
"Clueless windbag?" "Devoid of common sense?" "Short bus candidate?" They all work for me.
Yet another reason why Bill Murray will always be cooler than you.
September 2006
What's your ecological footprint? Mine is 2.5 Earths. Conclusion? We're all screwed.
August 2006
Here's something even more un-American than mocking SUVs: Criticizing our air-conditioned culture.
Malcom Gladwell's father explains his geothermal heating/cooling system.
"Sweet Holy Jesus, I have seen the light! And the light burns!"
July 2006
"Hello, Dial-An-Assassin? Yes, there's this nutjob in Oklahoma..."
Bush: "I'd rather be right than popular." Someone should tell him he's 0 for 2 on that one.
I remember the days when CNN.com's red news alert graphic used to mean something.
Condoleezza Rice unleashes her optic ray. Watch out, Kim Jong Il!
June 2006
A brilliant parody of all the "Flickr experts" that I so desperately loathe.
A simple tale of programming, love, escape, and dreams of better days.
May 2006
It looks like President Bush is a big fan of recycling... speeches.
April 2006
The most original thing I've seen in a long time (Thanks, Dave!).
John Gruber gives a delicious analysis of Boot Camp and lays out an intriguing future for the Mac.
Great piece on peak oil and what individuals are doing to prepare for it.
March 2006
This is the best news that's come out of South Dakota in a while.
RaystownLake.net, meet Google Maps. Or MapQuest. Or Yahoo! Maps. Something. Please.
Xenophobia wins again. Congratulations, bigots; you keep stupidity alive.
Global Inventory Hacking. Flash mobs + global scale + commerce. Could be fun.
I'm not much for self-help advice, but this bit on responsiveness is dead-on.
The new consensus? "Freak weather patterns" can only be explained by greenhouse gas emissions.
February 2006
December 2005
U2 on the rooftop, even done poorly, can cause panic in the streets!
Energy crisis? Global warming? Whatever. What this world needs is a ski slope in the desert!
September 2005
August 2005
SUV drives 8 to 10 blocks while dragging a bicycle? You, sir, are stupid.
June 2005
May 2005
Well, it's no 'Unless', but it is about MVC. And that is a good thing. [MP3]
April 2005
Upon further reflection, 'Unless' by Outrageous Cherry may be the perfect pop song. [MP3]
March 2005
Postmodern web design at its best. And I think I like their music too.
SXSW, BitTorrent, and free music. It's like the perfect storm.
Bono the next World Bank president? I can't even begin to comprehend this.
February 2005
January 2005
Bush calls Putin "Pootie-Poot?" Save that stuff for the bedroom, guys.
No weapons? No problem! We have our hands full already, what with a war and all.
And then there's this little piece of design heaven: the iPod shuffle.
Man, if this is even a little bit true, I'm in. Apple, you know your audience.
An excellent interview with Lawrence Lessig on the NPR show The Connection.
December 2004
Print, clip, and distribute. We can all make this world a better place. [PDF]
As if reproduction wasn't hard enough for nerds already, here's some more good news.
Fifteen minutes of fame: Nancy Zerg. Gone so soon? We hardly knew you.
November 2004
Looks like Target is trying to get a share of the illegal drug business. Watch out Amsterdam!
Firefox 1.0 is out. This Bittorrent file provides a pretty fast download.
A Steelers football game is the last place you'd expect to find proper grammar, but still...
These maps that plot the distribution of votes are so interesting for a number of reasons.
October 2004
Here's the perfect product for all of you budding pop stars out there.
Tell me again why you would vote for this guy? [Quicktime movie]
Bono gets his stolen notes and lyrics for 'October' back after nearly 25 years. Amazing.
Photographing the analemma. An extreme exercise in patience and consistency.
Turn off any TV with the push of a single button. This looks like it could be a lot of fun.
September 2004
Jimmy Swaggart: continuing to dig himself a deeper hole. How can one man be such an ass?
Great ad, guys. You almost fooled me. Next time, though, run the copy through the spell checker.
Viagra not doing it for you? Feeling left behind in the pants? Maybe this will cheer you up!
August 2004
Not only do they sing it, but they dump it in the river too.
As if a world economy based around fast-food and Wal-Mart wasn't bad enough. This is madness.
Bed? Coffin? Both? How about a way for paranoid idiots to drop $100K?
Bikes, protests, and Jason Kottke, all wrapped up in a neat little package.
July 2004
Lame-o NIMBY's are fed up with the "bums." A brick through their windows, anyone?
From the "Eyesore of the Month" archives, courtesy of James Kunstler. Bless this country of ours.
June 2004
After something like this goes public, one's life must be over, right?
Is this for real? As far as superpowers go, I'd choose flying over invisibility, but still...
Wilco: Deconstructing rock-and-roll and pushing copyright law to its limits. Pioneers, they are.
"How I learned to love transit," a well-written call for a reconsideration of our lifestyle.
Proof that the two wheeled commute (even if it is motorized) is better than the four.
May 2004
"I'm going to show these fools how dumb they are to try to drive in this town."
"Are You Living In a Computer Simulation?" Pour yourself a drink and find out.
Yeah. "Do no evil" right up until you file for an IPO. After that, you can cheat a little.
It's good to know there's people like this looking out for our best interests.
I've been listening to this all day. It has all of the elements of my ideal pop song.
It's so funny that the 'miserable failure' thing is still alive and well.
April 2004
He bikes and, according to those Bush ads, is a supporter of gas tax increases? Sign me up!
March 2004
A whole 'City' section of the NY Times dedicated to the subway.
"The greatest and most precious gift in the world is the giving of historical hair." Right.
This is a far better tool for finding bus schedules than the official Port Authority site.
Here's a writer who gets the "social cost versus economic cost" mass transit argument.
May David Strom and his moneyed cronies be forever stuck in a traffic jam.
February 2004
A great way to find out where locally grown food is being sold.
It's nice to see mass transit getting props from the govenor.
...and some code snippets here. Could come in handy real soon.